Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pole dancing for Jesus.

This makes so much sense on so many levels.


Monday, March 21, 2011

NSA loves your naked pictures!

If you're sending anything private with your phone, keep in mind that the major telcos.. especially At&t don't care at all about your privacy.


Republican priorities are clear

If you're wondering what the real intension of the Republican party is, well here you go. They aren't interested in doing anything that helps the United States. They are interested in stealing from Americans and not getting called on it. They have no integrity. If you're a Republican and you make less than $100,000, you're a fool.

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office ran the numbers and calculated the impact this emergency measure would have on government spending: 'No effect.'

Five minutes after acting on this budgetary emergency, House Republicans voted to continue the war in Afghanistan — which costs about $10 billion. Per month. They then flew home for a vacation."


Smoking gun on Bank of America

Turns out Anonymous decided to take up where Wikileaks left off. They found evidence of intentional fraud for profit. Way to go Anon!!!!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why is gas really so expensive?

It is true that the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa has had some impact on gas prices. Though Libya produces only 1.5m barrels of oil a day, the demand for oil, as a key input of production, energy, transportation, and the entire global economy is relatively inelastic. That means that even very small shocks to the supply of oil can ripple quite quickly and drastically through the world.


What the republicans are really doing

At a Tea Party rally last month, Gov. Rick Scott (R) unveiled his budget, telling supporters he would make the state the most “fiscally conservative” in the nation. The budget would slash corporate income and property taxes, lay off 6,700 state employees, cut education funding by $4.8 billion, and cut Medicaid by almost $4 billion.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No cure for cancer? Well at least you don't have to walk anymore.

Its amazing to me that we're trying to move less and less. I would think tech that made us less fat would be more of a priority.

If it wasn't clear before Scott Walkers agenda should be clearer now.

I'm guessing this is the sort of thing that has people upset:

A Legislative Fiscal Bureau analysis of Gov. Scott Walker's proposal for education funding in the state's 2011-'13 budget came up with a surprising finding: Not everyone might lose aid.

In fact, when run as if the proposal had been in place for the current school year, a number of school districts in the state -- including some of the wealthier districts in the suburbs of Milwaukee -- would actually see their general aid increase from 2009-'10.


Friday, March 11, 2011

What if you bought apple stock instead of apple products.

What if you bought a laptop with no operating system on it, and installed Ubuntu? What if you took the difference in price and bought apple stock instead of apple products?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Some scientists say the data is tainted

I wonder what they'll come up with next...

3d printers at Cambridge print out food!

We aren't far away from the star trek food synthesizers!

United States isn't Actually Broke

A person, company or nation would be defined as “broke” if it couldn’t pay its bills, and that is not the case with the U.S. Despite an annual budget deficit expected to reach $1.6 trillion this year, the government continues to meet its financial obligations, and investors say there is little concern that will change.

HTML 5 game in 4 hours



Ronald Reagan loved Unions and Collective Bargaining.

I wonder if Scott Walker actually knows anything about Ronald Reagan. He invokes his name often. Does he realize that Reagan once said:

"They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost. They remind us that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. You and I must protect and preserve freedom here or it will not be passed on to our children and it would disappear everywhere in the world. Today the workers in Poland are showing a new generation how high is the price of freedom but also how much it is worth that price."

code in Ruby easily


use git effectively.


Republicans trying to stop college kids from voting. SERIOUSLY...

1. Eliminate voting rights for out-of-towner college kids
2. Jack up fees and taxes on said college kids to satisfy budget needs
3. Taxation Without Represention!
4. Profit

Obama is a liar.

So let me get this straight. First we try to sell them 50 troop carriers, then we denounce them? Is this the hopey changy stuff you were talking about???

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fallen Marine Father will have to pay $116,000 to the Westbro Bapist Church. Lets not make him have to do this.

A day after the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed Westboro Baptist Church's right to protest against homosexuality at military funerals, the fallen Marine's father, who unsuccessfully sued the controversial Kansas congregation, warned that the church's protests will eventually spark violence.


The military spent millions of dollars to send you facebook spam

One use that's confirmed, however, is the manipulation of social media through the use of fake online "personas" managed by the military. The US Air Force had solicited private sector vendors for something called "persona management software." Such a technology would allow single individuals to command virtual armies of fake, digital "people" across numerous social media portals.


If the NFL season is suspended, the girls over in the Lingerie Football League want you to know that they will bend over ... er ... backwards to keep you entertained on Sunday

CLEVELAND - The Lingerie Football League (LFL) is eager to cash in on a possible NFL lockout, with officials announcing Wednesday it is considering moving its games from Friday nights to Sunday afternoons if the national league's season is delayed or suspended, WKYC-TV reported.


Free version of Oregon trail... WITH ZOMBIES!!!

Did you play Oregon Trail as a kid? How many times did you die of dysentery? Now you can play Oregon Trail with Zombie goodness!!!


World wide food prices reach new high.

Its time to start getting your aquaponics pools set up.


How Video Games Can Change the world!

Games can make a better world. Ted talk by Jane McGonigal


Why are Americans turning to al Jazeera for news?

Hillary Clinton: “In fact viewership of al Jazeera is going up in the United States because it’s real news. You may not agree with it, but you feel like you’re getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials and arguments between talking heads”


No wonder Mexico is so dangerous.

Looks like another American 3-letter agency is causing problems in other countries. This is why things like wikileaks are so important.


This is going to be crazy awesome!


Eco Dome, or how I built my house from dirt!

If everyone knew this was possible I'm not sure we'd have homeless people.


Hacker News

A great place to check out legit tech news. Reminds me of a young Digg


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